Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions

Last updated: December 2019

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Over the years, we’ve learned that privacy truly is the best policy. We want to make sure that you feel safe when availing our services.

Any exchange of data will never result with Viggo slots Toys selling or giving away your data to third party sources - unless required by the law.

Viggo slots Toys - Disclaimer

We want to assure you that the information posted on our website is as accurate as it can possibly be. That said, it can only be as accurate as the day it was posted, which means that if you have questions and you aren’t sure the website is providing adequate information, please give us a call! Otherwise, what is on the website is for general information use only.

Tell Us What You Think

Without your support, we likely would not have grown in the same direction. We had ideas of keep Viggoslots Toys as a simple toy store, but now we’ve grown so much more thanks to the feedback of our supporters.

Why not let us know what you think? Feel free to give us a call or send an email our way!

Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Keep in mind that even if you can leave your children to play in the park area, it is vital that you keep an eye on your children the whole time. We have an area for parents to access and watch their kids.

Viggoslots Toys will not be held responsible for any injuries sustained unless directly caused by staff or malfunctioning equipment.

Please do not leave your valuables unattended, as we will not be held responsible for any losses during your visit. Any toy that is accidentally broken during the visit will have to be paid for.

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